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wannaBcd2 62 / T
"Part time girl wants you..."
Albuquerque, New Mexico, Verenigde Staten van Amerika
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wannaBcd2 62/T
Albuquerque, New Mexico
Feeling so naughty here dressed hot and sexy and waiting for you...wink wink Update - I now have Standard Members can contact me.
I am very curious about other CD/TV's like me who are out there. I am for now only a closet cross dresser who doesn't go out dressed. I have a naturally smooth slender body and never have to shave one bit. Seeking other crossdressers or TS/TV/TGs for discreet contacts and possibly more, I'd like to chat, exchange email and pics at first and see what may happen. Kisses...XXXxxx...

Mijn Ideale Persoon: I am looking for other CD/TVs for very discreet contact, email, chat, sharing pics and possible meeting and girl on girl play. I'm seeking those who have a similar physique to mine, with a shapely slender smooth body, ideally 5' 9" or shorter but not necessary. I do love bigger girls too very much. As long as there is mutual attraction between us that is all that matters. I love a nice smooth pair of long legs and a shapely full soft ass. I want to be very discreet and selective at first. I am very new to this. I am shy and nervous but excited at the same time. I am a little curious about being with a man too but would need for you to send pic and email. One word messages or misspellings ( an indication of your intelligence ) will be ignored. Also if your profile does not show you are seeking a TS//TV/TG you will be ignored.
Write to me with pics and tell me about yourself and your fantasies if we were to be together.......XXXxxxxx......

  • 62 / TS/TV/TG (Travestiet)
  • Albuquerque, New Mexico, Verenigde Staten van Amerika
Seksuele Geaardheid:
Vertel ik liever niet
Op Zoek Naar:  Mannen, Vrouwen, Stellen (man/vrouw) of Trans
Geboortedatum: 17 december 1961
Verhuizen?: Vertel ik liever niet
Burgerlijke Staat: Vrijgezel
Lengte: 5 ft 8 in / 172-175 cm
Lichaamstype: Slank/Tenger
Roken: Ik ben een lichte/sociale roker
Drinkgedrag: Ik ben een lichte/sociale drinker
Drugs: Ik gebruik wat recreatieve drugs
Opleiding: Vertel ik liever niet
Ras: Vertel ik liever niet
Religie: Anders
BH-maat: 38 / 85 D
Spreekt: Engels
Haarkleur: Zwart
Haarlengte: Lang
Kleur ogen: Bruin
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