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Si te has olvidado de tu contraseña, a continuación puedes escribir tu nombre de usuario o dirección de correo electrónico y te enviaremos un correo con un enlace para que configures una contraseña nueva.
Enlace de restablecimiento enviado
Si la dirección de correo electrónico está registrada en nuestro sitio, recibirás un email con instrucciones para restablecer tu contraseña. Enlace de restablecimiento de contraseña enviado a:
Revisa tu e-mail e ingresa el código de confirmación:
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  • Volver a empezar
Si tienes alguna pregunta, por favor contacta al Servicio de Atención al Cliente
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¿Qué opciones alternativas de pago están disponibles?

There are several alternative payment methods available if you would like to purchase a premium membership and credit card payment is not an option for you.

Send either a check or money order to:

Various, Inc.
Attn: Billing Dept.
1615 S. Congress Avenue, Suite 103
Delray Beach, FL 33445, USA

The check or money order should be payable to Various, Inc. and must be in US dollars. Please keep a receipt of your payment for future reference.

To avoid processing delays, clearly write the following information on your preferred form of payment:

  • Your username
  • The name of the site you are purchasing a premium membership for
  • The type and length of the membership you want to purchase
  • The e-mail address registered with your account

You may also choose to fax or mail your credit card information. Print the credit card page and fill it out. The owner of the credit card must sign the bottom of the page to give authorization to charge their card. Send the filled out page to the address above or by fax. Your credit card will be charged within 72 hours and your premium status will be immediately activated.

Please contact our Billing Department using our feedback form, email, or call toll-free (U.S. and Canada only) at 888-575-8383.

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